What’s your return policy?
Your enrollment in our School of Real Estate courses poses no risk to you. If you find you are dissatisfied with your courses at any time during your one-year enrollment and *prior to taking any exams, call us at 619-773-0288 to receive a refund (minus $25 registration fee & $30 for Books & Materials ), no questions asked.
What is the minimum study time?
The minimum enrollment period for each licensing course is 2 ½ weeks (18 days) and a minimum 45 hours per course.
Example: If you are enrolled in three licensing courses, your first exam is available after 18 days, the second exam is available after 36 days, and the third exam is available after 54 days.
How long is my enrollment good for?
Your enrollment is good for one year. If you do not pass your exams within the one year enrollment period, you must re-enroll in order to take the exams. The re-enrollment fee is $35 per course and includes another
full year of enrollment. Re-enrollment re-starts the 18-day minimum study time per course. Re-enrollment by:
1.) Calling (619) 773-0288 or 2.) Come into office.
How does my certificate come?
Once you pass your exam, you can download your certificates (transcripts) by going to your "profile" in your school portal. Please make sure your certificates match your legal name, if they do no match, contact us to update them, then the certificates will be emailed to you.
What proof of identification do I need to register?
A valid California driver's license or passport